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Chris Hopkinson
Operations Director (south)


My parents ran a shop, so retail was an obvious career choice for me, and I enjoyed it for a long time. When I eventually felt the need for a new challenge, I could see that I could bring my skills to benefit care home companies. I also liked the rewarding end result: happy and healthy residents and happy, positive and well led colleagues. 

I’m pleased to say that I’ve had a number of fantastic roles in my career. However, two really stand out and one of those is my current role at Care UK. The personality of the company is very forward-looking, we work together as a positive team and everyone has time for you. What’s refreshing is that this is as true at exec level as it is in our care homes. Although we share similar challenges to other care providers – finding quality staff, for example – what sets us apart is that we face challenges together, and with a creative, innovative approach.

I would say that my appointment to the Care UK executive team has been a huge career highlight. I’m a straight talking Yorkshireman, tending to say what I think. Luckily the team seems to value my approach – as well as my commitment to excellent care and ongoing improvement.