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Moving in

We're here to help your loved one settle in their new home

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We support you and your family to feel involved and engaged in your loved one’s move, and in their life in the home

Moving into your new home

We are renowned for delivering person centered care that is entirely personalised to your needs. That's why we take the time to get to know you and your family, your lifestyle, personality and interests, so we can get a sense of you as an individual and how you like to live your life. We’ll also ask you and your loved one how you want to stay in touch, from in person visits to video calls.


The reception we got was excellent and we were all made to feel welcome.  We knew that Sandfields was going to be perfect for Kathleen - a truly 5-star care home.

Friend of a resident, Sandfields

If you have a questions about any aspect of our admissions process, read our moving into a care home checklist, or get in touch with our friendly team who will be happy to help.

Feeling settled

We support new residents to settle in quickly. Before your loved one even joins us, we’ll get their bedroom set up in just the way they want. We’ll paint it your loved one’s favourite colour, put up pictures and shelves, and your loved one is welcome to bring treasured possessions to make their room feel more like home.

Read more tips about how to make your new room feel like home.

Getting to know each other

Colleagues will start introducing themselves to you and your loved one, explaining who they are, what they do, and how they can help you. Our Care and Lifestyle teams will also continue getting to know all about your loved one’s past life and interests, and the goals they want to achieve. It's all part of our person-centered approach to care.

We believe that moving into a care home can be the start of a positive new life, so, if your loved one wishes, we’ll support them to explore new interests or rediscover past hobbies. We’ll also introduce your loved one to other residents with a similar background and interests so new friendships can start to form.

Freedom to choose

Of course, choice is all-important. If your loved one isn’t keen on joining in with small group activities, our caring colleagues are always happy to do one-to-one activities with them. And if your loved one prefers to stay in their room, or simply watch an activity, that’s fine too. We never make assumptions about what a person wants to do. We’ll always ask them, and encourage them to take part, but respect their decision, whatever they want to do.

Find out more about life in a Care UK care home.

Stay up-to-date

Family involvement is a vital part of care home life. Most Care UK homes have Facebook pages. These are a great way to get a sense of how our teams support residents to live each day to the full. Activities and events are all showcased on the home’s Facebook page. Many relatives find it a fantastic way to keep up-to-date with what their loved one’s doing, as well as everyday news from their loved one’s home.