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Our Values

We all shape our values


When you have a vision and values that people truly connect with, they’re inspired to do great things.

That’s why, in 2019, we asked each of our homes to come up with their own vision and values. They could use the Care UK corporate vision and values as a guide, but we wanted them to capture the principles that were most meaningful to them.

 Colleagues, residents and relatives worked together, and below are just a few of the responses.

  • At Mills Meadow in Framlingham, Suffolk, the team produced an oil painting depicting life in the home and their vision: “Where old memories are shared, and new memories are made.”
  • At Hollins Park in Macclesfield, the home came up with a vision that states: "Whether you’re a resident, relative or visitor, we believe you are part of our family. Our family is at the heart of everything we do."
  • The vision of the team at Field Lodge in St Ives is: “To ensure that all residents have a voice and are listened to... and by involving them and their families, we can provide high quality care.”
  • At Cathkin House in East Kilbride, colleagues, residents and relatives selected values starting with each of the letters from the home’s name: Community, Appreciation, Teamwork, Happiness, Kindness, Independence and Nurturing. It’s a great way to make them memorable.
  • One of the values created by the team at Broadwater Lodge near Godalming demonstrates the many ‘hats’ that colleagues wear each day. It says: “We are actors, comedians, singers, dancers, friends, and a shoulder to cry on.” 

In our colleagues’ words

Have you seen our Values film? We’ve travelled to Care UK homes across the country to discover what Caring, Passionate and Teamwork mean to our colleagues. 

We all shape our values

Our values in action

How are Care UK colleagues putting the values into practice every day?


Our Home Managers and management teams are passionate about delivering the very best, personalised care. Glastonbury Court in Bury St Edmunds recently received an ‘outstanding’ overall rating from the CQC, which included an ‘outstanding’ rating for ‘well led’. The team delivers superb care, including highly personalised end of life care. They have created a Sunset Suite for relatives to use, and where they can stay, during their loved one’s final days.


Our people consistently go above and beyond to make each day wonderful for residents – often giving up their own time to do so. At Brook Court in Kidderminster, a colleague organised a day to celebrate a resident’s professional achievements, while another gave up their day off to support a resident to fulfil a wish. At Priors House in Leamington Spa, colleagues have taken a resident on a road trip back to the area where he was born, and even reunited a lady with a long-lost friend after 60 years.


Our homes have champions who undertake extra training in specific areas of care, such as dignity, nutrition and dementia. They then provide colleagues – and often relatives - with additional training in that topic along with day-to-day support and information. Our champions are helping to drive a step change in the quality of care we provide, as well as in awareness of care-related subjects in their communities.

At Muriel Street in Islington, the team has run a Dementia Friends session for the children from the local school. Led by the home's Dementia Champion, and with residents sharing their experiences of living with dementia, the session helped the children to better understand dementia, and they even pledged to share their new knowledge with their friends. ‘Team Muriel Street’ just got a lot bigger!

Tell us your experiences

If you have a great story of Care UK colleagues putting the values of caring, passionate and teamwork into action when caring for your loved one, we’d love to hear about it. Please send your stories to