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Help & advice - View all articles

We are committed to supporting older people and their relatives and have used our knowledge and expertise to produce a range of useful guides.

Our guides have been produced by our care team experts and include real life experiences of older people and their families. They cover subjects such as how to communicate with a loved one who is living with dementia and choosing a care home.

Advice for carers

How to provide person-centred care for your loved one

Providing person-centred care for a loved one is all about putting their choices at the heart of their care.

Dementia advice

One step at a time – a video guide to navigating dementia

From the moment you receive a diagnosis to learning to live well with dementia, we’re here to support you every step of the way. That’s why we’ve produced...

Dementia advice

One step at a time – Dealing with a dementia diagnosis

Learn about the practical next steps to take after receiving an early dementia diagnosis, from planning for the future to finding sources of support.

Dementia advice

One step at a time – Living well with dementia

Explore expert advice for living well with dementia, including tips for staying mentally and physically active and dining with dignity.

Dementia advice

One step at a time – Supporting the carer

Care UK’s dementia experts offer their advice for how family carers can take care of themselves, to ensure they’re providing the best possible care for their...

Dementia advice

What’s the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease?

Hundreds of thousands of people in the UK are living with dementia, and more than one million people are expected to have a diagnosis by 2025. Nearly all of...

Dementia advice

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. It’s a physical condition that occurs when the connections between nerve cells in the brain are lost.

Dementia advice

What is dementia?

Dementia affects millions around the world, but many people still don’t understand what it is.

About care homes

What is a nursing care plan?

A nursing care plan sets out a person’s nursing needs and highlights how these will be met.